Information materials to support the swine flu vaccination programme
Best practice
Contains information materials to support the swine flu vaccination programme 1. Swine flu vaccination leaflet 2. Key facts 3. Information sheet A question and answer styled document covering the swine flu vaccination programme. 4. Template consent forms These template consent forms are for NHS organisations to download and print out, as required. The Word version allows for local adaptation prior to printing out. The forms are designed to aid NHS practice but, as the Green Book (2006) states “there is no legal requirement for consent to immunisation to be in writing… a signature serves as a record”. Form 1 is designed for parental consent. Form 2 is a vaccination record sheet and screening tool. This form may be used in settings where many vaccinations are given, such as clinical and outlying vaccination clinics, nursing homes, residential homes and occupational health clinics. 5. Template GP letters to be adapted for local use Letter 1 is an invitation for a child to be taken for their vaccination Letter 2 is an invitation for an adult to come in for their vaccination 6. GP-delivered swine flu vaccination programme: dataset for collection of uptake figures (subject to ROCR approval) 7. Healthcare worker swine flu vaccination programme: dataset for collection of uptake figures (subject to ROCR approval) 8. Training tools - slide sets for use in training of vaccinators 9. Read codes 10. Template patient group direction (PGD) Gateway Reference: 12822 As stated in Chapter 5 of the Green Book (2006), ‘the preferred way for patients to receive medicines is for a health professional to prescribe for individual patients on a one-to-one basis’. In some circumstances, this is not possible, so patient group directions (PGDs) are written instructions that allow for the supply and/or administration of medicines to groups of patients who present for treatment. - PGDs provide a legal framework for the supply and/or administration of medicines by a range of qualified healthcare professionals. The employing organisations must ensure that all PGDs users are fully competent and trained in their use. Please refer to the link below for further guidance, - The Green Book (2006) has a new chapter on the Pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v 2009 (swine flu) which can be found at This template provides NHS organisations with a PGD for the swine flu vaccination that can be downloaded and printed out, as required. The Word version allows for local adaptation prior to printing. NHS organisations are required to ensure that all PGD users are fully competent and trained in their use.
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